Welcome to AA4VI's YAESU FTdx560/570/401/400 Web Page

This web page is dedicated to those great pre solid state Yaesu transceivers. These are some of my favorite boat anchors. I collect lots of different kinds of boat anchors, namely Hallicrafters, Hammarlund, National, Gonset and Yaesu. I don't think the FTdx series of radios get enough exposure, hence the purpose of this web page. These were the forerunners of most of the imported ham radios. When I got my ham license in 1973 and first saw a FTdx560 in operation I could only dream of owning one, but could not afford one. I bought my first FTdx series radio, a complete station in 2000 after a 27 year wait. It consists of the FTdx560 transceiver, the FV400S vfo, the SP560 speaker and the UD-844 microphone. It puts out about 200-250 watts on SSB. My first contact on 20 meters was with RV0AM. He gave me a 5-7 report. I was using a G5RV up at about 32 feet at the apex.I hope you enjoy this web page and I hope to update with more information and pictures of other FTdx series of radios in the near future. I am always looking for other FTdx users that would like to share their experiences. If you would like pictures of your FTdx radio on this web site let me know. We want to make this site as helpful as possible for all FTdx users and collectors. If you would like more FTdx information you can use these links to JR3XUH and JA6NKA's web sites, I would also like to thank Yasuhiro Yoshida (JR3XUH)and Masafumi Ikenoue (JA6NKA) for all their additional infomation on the FTdx series.

JR3XUH's 401 Page

JA6NKA's Web Page

FTdx Series History

The FTdx series of transceivers began with the FTdx400 in 1968. It was rated at 500 watts pep input on SSB and 125 watts on AM. I believe this transceiver was reviewed in QST in 1968. The FTdx560 and 570 appeared around 1970. These were both 560 watt rigs with the 570 being a deluxe version with built in cooling fan and noise blanker, the later FTdx560s also had the noise blanker. Neither the FTdx560,570 or FTdx401 would transmit in the AM mode. The FTdx401 came out around 1971-1972 and was essentially the same radio with a few more transistors and a factory installed 600 Hz CW filter and cooling fan. The FT-401B was the last of the series and appeared around 1973. The AM mode was once again added and from looking at a FT-401B schematic it looks like this radio also covered 11 meters. The features were basically the same as the others but with a few more bells and whistles. All of these radios featured 100 khz and 25 khz calibrators which were great for analog tuning. They all featured a R.I.T. control which allowed you to tune the receiver a few kc's independent of the transmitters frequency. One unusual feature is the backward reading S meter. It reads from right to left on incoming signal strength and ALC. It reads left to right for cathode current and power output. Its a little hard to get used to until you use the rig for a while. Check out the close up picture of the FTdx560 S meter. They all share the same basic layout and tubes and all feature a built in power supply. These were very advanced radios for their time. They are still competitive by todays standards. With an output of around 200-250 watts they put out an impressive signal. Please do not copy any part of this web page without my permission. Portions of this page have been appearing on E-Bay as a description for the sale of these radios.

The Yaesu FTdx560 is a 20 tube transceiver with the exception of 4 transistors used in the vfo and crystal calibrator circuits and a solid state AC power supply. The power supply is also built in and not seperate like some of the early transceivers making it a favorite for portable and field day operations. It is rated at 560 watts input on SSB and 500 watts on C.W. It uses two 6KD6's as the final amplifiers. The bands covered are 80 through 10 meters (no warc bands) as well as WWV and two aux positions which could be used for CB or addition of a warc band. The rig features 100khz and 25khz calibrators as well as R.I.T. and the capability to use an external vfo (FV400) for crossband operation. These transceivers were manufactured in Japan in the early 1970's and sold in this country by Spectronics. For optional CW or SSB filter installation instructions see this article provided by W2QU. Here is a review of the FTdx560 from 1970 page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7

Here is another FTdx401/FTdx560 station, from proud owner JA6NKA Masafumi Ikenoue. Masafumi's station consists of a Ftdx560/FTdx401,FL2500B amplifier, Yaesu Landliner phone patch, FT650 six meter transverter and matching speaker.

Here is a Yaesu FTdx570

The Yaesu FTdx570 is basically the same radio as the FTdx560 but with noise blanker and built in cooling fan. These radios typically sold for about 100 dollars more than the FTdx560.

Here is a Yaesu FTdx400

The Yaesu FTdx400 was the first in the FTdx series, being introduced to American hams around 1968. It was a 500 watt rig that would transmit in the a.m. mode as well as SSB and CW. This was also a massive radio weighing around 45 pounds with 20 tubes. The main difference between the front panels on the older Ftdx400 and the newer Ftdx 560,570,401 and 401B is the mounting of the switches for the meter circuit, AGC, crystal calibrator and VFO selector switch. On the older FTdx400 radios the switches are on a shaft shared by other controls. With the newer FTdx560,570,401 and 401B they are slide switches under the S meter. This makes them much more convenient and can be adjusted without disturbing other settings such as mic gain and the preselector. The top picture is a later version and the bottom picture is a fine example of the early model owned by W4MI. Note the absence of the spinner knob on the early version. The earlier versions can usually be identified by the silver legs which are also present on the matching speaker.

Here is the last of FTdx series. Although the dx is dropped from the model number it is basically the same radio. The a.m. mode was again used on the FT-401B which had been missing on the FTdx560 and FTdx570. I believe these transceivers last appeared in 1975. Out of all of the FTdx radios the FTdx401 and the FT-401B would be the best choice for contesting because of their greatly improved mic amp circuit, the factory installed C.W. filter and the much needed cooling fan.


Here are some unusual Yaesu's form the early and mid 1970s. They are an FT200 a 300 watt pep input transceiver covering 80-10 meters all tube except few transistors in the vfo and a solid state external power supply and speaker. They are the same radio as the Tempo One as sold by Henry Radio. Next is the FT201This is a 240 watt transceiver covering 80-10 meters with only three (driver and 2 final amplifier)tubes. The rest is all solid state. Last is the Yaesu FT501(1) FT501(2) This is a 500 watt radio with a nixie tube digital display and pushbutton controls. This transceiver has a hybrid receiver with plug in circuit boards similar to the FT101 series. It uses 7 tubes, 4 are common to the receiver and transmitter and 3 are used in the transmitter only. This was Yaesu's first digital display HF transceiver from about 1976 and used a seperate FP-501 speaker-power supply. These three Yaesu models are not very well known in the USA but were popular in the Canadian and European markets. They were well made transceivers just like all the rest of the Yaesu equipment.

Here are some links I hope you might find helpful
Ham Classifieds
Yaesu FT-1000 web page
QRZ Swap List
Ham Radio Gear Hampedia
Yaesu on Ebay
Virginia Fone Net at 16:00 and 19:30 on 3947 Khz
Antique Electronics Supply On Line
Yaesu Museum

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Thanks for visiting my web page. Please e-mail me with your comments rcarp5@yahoo.com